You said…
You told us how important digital inclusion is and that you need access to Wi-Fi.
We did…
The Director of IT has attended several Tenant and Landlord Panel meetings to provide updates on how we are progressing with installing Wi-Fi into our services. Customer Wi-Fi continues to be a key commitment.
You said…
That you weren’t happy with the repairs and maintenance service, particularly the quality of repairs, communication and consistency.
We did…
We involved customers in the procurement of our new repairs and maintenance contracts. Customer feedback influenced our specification, and a customer panel assisted with interviews – asking their own questions directly to prospective contractors. Their feedback formed a core part of our decision on which contractors to choose. The contractors have since attended our Tenant and Landlord Panel to meet directly with customers to discuss progress.
You said…
That you felt that we could improve the way that some staff responded to incidents.
We did…
We co-produced a new Customer Incidents Panel where customers from across all of our services come together to discuss anonymised incident reports and draw out learning for how we could have improved our response. Customers have been a part of designing this new panel from the very beginning, having choice and control over all aspects of the group. Customer representative from this has given feedback to our Safeguarding panel.
You Said…
That you weren’t happy with the level of service that you were receiving from our contact centre, particularly the wait time.
We Did…
We restructured our contact centre team and brought in new staff. As a result we’ve seen a big improvement in performance against as seen in the above KPI’s.
You Said…
That you were unhappy with the quality of some of your communal spaces and gardens, and that you wanted to be able to access more activities in your service.
We Did…
We launched our ‘Love Your Home’ competition, giving both supported services and our unsupported tenants the chance to apply for funding or volunteers to support a project to enhance their home. This was across three categories – Great Green Spaces (for gardens), Creative Spaces (to support arts), and Healthy Homes (to support health and wellbeing). Over 30 services and customers applied and were awarded grants of £350 to deliver their projects.