Commitment to inclusivity and diversity
Over the last year we have strengthened our approach to Inclusion by continuing to partner with Inclusive Employers. We are now in the fourth year of our Diversity and Inclusion strategy, with key objectives to:
- Create and maintain an inclusive work environment for all staff: this means all staff feel comfortable to be themselves at work
- Attract, develop and retain staff from the widest pool of talent
- Ensure our diversity data drives our annual priorities for inclusion work
- Ensure compliance with legal regulations and requirements relating to diversity and inclusion
- Deliver accessible services and equitable outcomes across customer groups
We were delighted to be awarded Silver status by the Inclusive Employer standard in 2021.
Julie Blair, Executive Director of Corporate Services said “2021 has continued to present us with many challenges in our sector. Despite this I am delighted that we have continued to develop our approach to diversity and inclusion and that our pay gaps remain low compared to most other organisations in the housing sector.
By publishing this report every year we remain open and honest about our data and recognise that not only evolving but embedding our approach to diversity and inclusion, for both staff and customers, is key to us being proactive in addressing any existing or emerging inequalities.”
For more details on our gender pay gap, Culturally Diverse pay gap, CEO multiplier and diversity and inclusion initiatives overall, please read our latest report.
Gender Pay Gap
For the fourth year in succession, we have kept our gender pay gap minimal, decreasing from 0.8% in 2020 to 0.59% in 2021, with the mean average pay also decreasing to 2.5%.
The difference in bonus remains, for a fourth year, at 0% and the mean average bonus payment remains low at 12.5%. The mean difference is driven by our Executive Team receiving bonuses based on metrics relevant to performance targets, whereas all staff below Executive Team level continue to be paid the same bonus regardless of role.
Culturally Diverse Pay Gap
We continue to lead the way in the supported housing sector by publishing our Culturally Diverse pay gap. This is not a legal or regulatory requirement. We choose to do this because as we are a diverse workforce it is important to us that we understand where we may be experiencing any pay gap issues.
The data shows that our median pay gap between our culturally diverse and white population has slightly increased from 5% to 6.6%. Our difference, as with the gender pay gap, is driven by roles at senior levels that are paid based on market rates for the role. We have a strong commitment to inclusion when recruiting and developing staff and 44% of our top quartile of earners are culturally diverse staff.