Lester Court
Lester Court is an award winning supported living service for adults with learning disabilities and autism, with complex needs.
Lester Court is a supported living service in Tower Hamlets, developed by Look Ahead in 2019 for seven customers.
Working with our local commissioning partners, we identified the need for an accommodation-based scheme in the heart of the community in Tower Hamlets to support customers currently placed out of area to return to their home borough, close to community links and family networks. We viewed properties in Tower Hamlets and identified Lester Court as suitable, subject to renovation works.
We re-developed the service to offer seven self-contained apartments, with shared communal spaces, a garden, a sensory area and one DDA compliant apartment for a customer with physical disabilities. The building is equipped with sensor-based technology, with bespoke furnishings and equipment in line with each customer’s needs.
Customers at Lester Court have wide ranging needs, from those with mild learning disabilities who require support with specific elements of daily living This includes 24/7 support such as help with finances for those with profound levels of need or help with any other aspect of their daily lives, including personal care. Staff are skilled in a variety of interventions and approaches, including the facilitation of movement and mobility programmes, Autism-specific approaches and Positive Behavioural Support.
All customers required a level of transition planning, moving to Lester Court from a range of settings including secure hospitals, family homes, registered care and other supported living placements, offering some customers the opportunity to move into their first ever community placement. Since its opening, Lester Court’s first customer has recently celebrated her one year anniversary of moving in. All seven customers have full and busy lives, attending work-based placements, day services, community-based activities and seeing their loved-ones on a regular basis.
We work closely with commissioners, agencies and families to develop and deliver bespoke support and accommodation offers tailored to individual needs.
You can enquire about a specific property detailed here or submit a general enquiry. Our team are experienced in developing personalised solutions that meet individual, family and commissioner needs.
Please contact our team or fill out the form below and we will be in touch.
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Please provide your contact details, the timeline for your need, along with a brief description of your enquiry.