Look Ahead welcomed the opportunity to contribute to a report that so clearly shines a light on the fact that demand exceeds supply when considering high quality housing and support for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.
We agree with the recommendations outlined in the report wholeheartedly. We believe that a greater utilisation of capital funding – whether it be from NHS England Housing Capital, Homes England affordable homes programme, or the Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund – should be achieved in order for the sector to attain affordable or social rent levels to meet the housing requirements of people with high support needs.
In addition to the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill which may allow for greater oversight, higher standards and tenant protection; we believe that the Government, Local Authorities and housing providers must all respond to the recommendations made to ensure that the people we support are able to lead independent lives in high quality homes.
We look forward to working with the sector and other partners to take this work forward.